Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sassy Cheryl's FIRST Blog Hop~ Win a FREE digital image

Hello everyone and thanks for joining us on our first Sassy Cheryl’s Blog Hop and the chance to win a FREE Sassy Cheryl digi! I am thrilled to be participating in this wonderful Blog Hop..... Happy Hopping- Be sure to leave a comment, for your chance to win.
If you arrived here from Jennifer’s (Jeni) blog, you are in the right place! If not, you might want to start at the Sassy Cheryl’s Challenge blog, where all the details are given, along with the entire list of designer’s links. If for any reason any links are broken or you get lost along the way, simply return there to find the link to the next stop.
Each Sassy Gal will select one person from those that commented on her blog. That means there is one winner for each post in the hop! (How cool is that?)
The Hop will run from 5am Eastern Nov 30 until 5pm Eastern Dec 6. The winners will be announced on the Sassy Cheryl’s Challenge blog on Dec 7.
Now, here’s my card (project):
Isn't she adorable. The theme this week is thinking of love....we I just love this image....hope that counts!!
You can get her at: The Sassy Cheryl's store

Now, for more awesome sassy inspiration, hop to Cathy Edgar's Blog Good luck and thanks for joining us! But before leaving......leave a comment..... Janetlynne

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Show Me # 3

Happy Thanksgiving to all.....

Nothing too interesting on my desk....We had a crop last weekend. I made quickutz easel with 3rd Annual Fall Scrapbook Crop for table gifts. They are all ready to use on a scrapbook page. Our Christmas party is always the first Sunday in December....our theme is tropical Christmas, so my decorated palm tress are ready for my sign in page...hope to finish that in time!!

Christmas cards...... hmmm....well I was going to use the flamingo, isn't he cute....but I did just get this snow globe....but I just love some of the Sassy Cheryl images.....been eyeing the Snowman parts....Decisions, Decisions

I was hoping to have started on the color me challenge, but working retail when it this close to Black Friday....so much is on hold!! Oh yes....I am having Thanksgiving at my house.....first time EVER that my family was in town for Thanksgiving....

Whats up with the crazy people that are at the mall at 4:30 am? I am there because I have to be....... How many others are out and about that early?? Do you shop on Black Friday? Is it a tradition in your family?
It never was in my house, but it sure is in many. I have to leave extra early because the roads are so busy!
Have a great day, and a great day tomorrow......

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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Color Me Challenge # 2

Look at this adorable image from Sassy Cheryl's Digi stamps~

She has two images to choose from for the color me challenge. You can purchase one or both of her images for a reduced price. The "Cappuccino Anyone Snowman" was the one just had to have. My card base is a tri-fold card or shutter card. Another fun and easy card.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sassy Cheryl's Show Me Thursday #2

WOW it seems that it was just Thursday. So much has happened. First I am thrilled to be the guest designer this month. Thank you for all the congratulations.
I feel my desk has not change much, as I have pretty much the same things....my Christmas card dies....Flamingos, but now I just got this wonderful snow globe die. Hmmm...just saw an adorable picture of a tropical snowman, may go that way....
I am so afraid I am going to run out of time....
may have to do New Year Cards!!!!
I also have a friend who just moved, I have a card to send her. I just got my son's address in the Dominican Republic, had to make a quick card for him this morning.
Still need to fluff the branches on our Christmas tree....oh yes, It is Thanksgiving next week....AND BLACK FRIDAY! oh did I say...I am scrapbooking this weekend?
...Happy "Show Me Thursday" to all Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sassy Cheryl Challenge # 38- Coundown to Christmas

The countdown to Christmas to me starts with the Christmas tree. We brought ours down from the attic this weekend, and of course once again a string of lights are out. Every year we re-string lights on our prelit tree!! This year my husband says, "I am not doing it again, I am buying a new tree"....."we need one taller anyway". I came home from work, the most beautiful tree is standing in our window....just waiting for me to fluff the branches, and trim the tree!!!! Thought I would have time Monday, as I was off...but no....How come days off go by so fast?? 39 days until Christmas.... ARE YOU READY?

Join the fun at Sassy Cheryl's Blog

I am thrilled, what a surprise when I received Cheryl's email. Thank you for choosing me to be the guest designer for the next month. Thank you my Sassy friends.. Janetlynne

Note- For those asking and wondering. It has been a month since Brendan left for Punta Cana, Dominican Republic... He is doing well, enjoying his new job.

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Monday, November 15, 2010

Sassy Cheryl Challenge #37 ~Use Tulle

This is for the Sassy Cheryl Challenge #36..Use tulle. I agree with Jennifer, great embellishment...but where do I find it? So glad I had this scrap of red!
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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Color me Please Challenge #1-Jumping Jack Santa

This is A Sassy Cheryl image, "Jumping Jack Santa"

The First Color Me Please Challenge.

Note the fur on his suit...I did not have anything to use...so I took 2 Styrofoam balls, and rubbed them together......fur!!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sassy Cheryl's "Show Me Thursday" #1

So excited about participating in Sassy Cheryl's Show Me Thursday

Look ! ~I am going to color the Jumping Santa!!

Thanks Jennifer....

and thanks Cheryl for the time frame...that helps me alot.

I am still undecided with my Sassy Cheryl Challenge #37- But thanks to Judy, I have made the treat box card... may do somthing with that.

AND Christmas cards they are still on my mind, and I have less time, as the days go by!! If I keep my flamingo dies along with Christmas paper on my desk....maybe I will get tired of looking at it and think up something!!

Reservations at Ruth's Chris for dinner...... YUM Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Whats on your workdesk, Wednesday 11/10/10

....I am thinking about Christmas cards...

I have my Sassy Cheryl Image....for this week's challenge,

I found this adorable image.....Anyone else hate the
flying monkeys from The Wizard of Oz??
A little late for Halloween....

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Monday, November 8, 2010

Sassy Cheryl's Challenge #36 ~Fall~

Here is my Fall card...A bit delayed, but done....Happy Fall to all...cold here....I think I rather be in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic were the average temp YEAR ROUND is 82 degrees (high) 72 (low).
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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What's on your workdesk, Wednesday? 11/3/10

Look at all the wonderful paper, ribbon, and copic markers my friend Sharon gave me..... I can't wait to use them. She gave me a wonderful pad of Christmas paper too.

Take note of the MINI Easel cards I made. They are actually for a swap.... Gift cards... I am planing to add To: From: on the bottom circle.......and of course my Sassy Cheryl image just wating to be completed for the challenge.
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Newton's Nook Challenge January 2025

It's been 9 years! I didn’t even realize my blog was still up. I thought I’d kick off the new year with a challenge over at Newton's...