I have been so busy, with a new job and the new house. I have done so many ship inspections, that they are all running together!! I have taken pictures, so that helps. I feel like I have been in Miami more than I have been in West Palm Beach!! I am sure getting use to the traffic. Now the drive to Delray Beach is a breeze!!
This is a house warming card for the first neighbor that has moved in after us!
Actually we have not moved in yet. We have been busy getting fans installed, pictures hung, and boxes unpacked. The plantation shutters have been ordered, but we are waiting for 4-5 weeks on them and we are still waiting on the master bedroom bed.
This past weekend the security system was installed. I also moved over all my scrapbook stuff!! I still have Disney training to do, and it needs to be completed by October 31st!! I was told it takes 3 weeks to complete...and I haven't started yet!
REALLY getting tired of this condo. I am finding that what I want and need is at the house, and I have to stop there before going to work!!