Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sassy Cheryl's Show me #64

Happy Wednesday!!  That is why I title mine...Just Show me...(no Thursday)!!  I never make it on a Thursday!!---  I have been working on 3 projects..The first one, on the left is for Sassy Cheryl's Challenge.
The top right....another baby card!!  This is for a client of mine that just got back from a cruise 6 weeks ago...and now has a souvenir that will always remind her of her cruise!! She is expecting a baby!! Not my idea of a souvenir...she has a 19 year old !!  The bottom right is candy holder for a co-worker who helped me out last weekend when I was off!!   Posted by Picasa

Monday, February 27, 2012

Sassy Cherly's Challenge- No Embossing #103

OK I have decided....that my challenge is to get my card done in time...I just looked closing in ten minutes...!!

This is a easel card I did for a co-worker....Happy Monday to all....I will try next week to get this done earlier!!Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Sassy Cheryl's Show Me #61

The baby ABC album is done, just waiting on the baby now!!

And.....16 storks! 3 Dies, and new pro markers....   what a week! Everything came at the same time, but of course they were ordered far apart.....

Looking forward to Thursday evening- A friend of ours, past neighbor from South Carolina is visiting. She is getting off a cruise ship, and is going to spend a day or so with us.... Can't wait to hear all about her cruise. I know there is a lot to share! From what I understand it is an amazing vacation.  Posted by Picasa

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Sassy Cheryl's Challenge # 100 Die cut & glitter with a Sassy Cheryl's image

100 Challenges!  I can't believe it!! Time sure flies....I remember when it was the 13th Challenge.
This was my card!!

Take a look at all the great cards the design team made:

Be sure to look at Jennifer's Blog....she is the one that got me started!!
Even though I only saw her once every three months...
I miss you Jennifer, and all my friends in Myrtle Beach.

I haven't been able to participate every week, as our new house, and my new job keeps me VERY busy.
If you are going to participate don't wait until the last day...they close early!! I missed last weeks! If you want to see it scroll down!!
I couldn't miss this one....

I do have to say- I liked it better when you only could use a Sassy Cheryl's image. But times change

Cheryl is also having a "Buy 2 get one FREE" sale through Monday, Feb. 6th
Just enter the code 100CELEBRATE when you check out.

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Newton's Nook Challenge January 2025

It's been 9 years! I didn’t even realize my blog was still up. I thought I’d kick off the new year with a challenge over at Newton's...