Thursday, November 25, 2010

Show Me # 3

Happy Thanksgiving to all.....

Nothing too interesting on my desk....We had a crop last weekend. I made quickutz easel with 3rd Annual Fall Scrapbook Crop for table gifts. They are all ready to use on a scrapbook page. Our Christmas party is always the first Sunday in December....our theme is tropical Christmas, so my decorated palm tress are ready for my sign in page...hope to finish that in time!!

Christmas cards...... hmmm....well I was going to use the flamingo, isn't he cute....but I did just get this snow globe....but I just love some of the Sassy Cheryl images.....been eyeing the Snowman parts....Decisions, Decisions

I was hoping to have started on the color me challenge, but working retail when it this close to Black much is on hold!! Oh yes....I am having Thanksgiving at my house.....first time EVER that my family was in town for Thanksgiving....

Whats up with the crazy people that are at the mall at 4:30 am? I am there because I have to be....... How many others are out and about that early?? Do you shop on Black Friday? Is it a tradition in your family?
It never was in my house, but it sure is in many. I have to leave extra early because the roads are so busy!
Have a great day, and a great day tomorrow......

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  1. Happy Thanksgiving!
    I remember going out 'some' with my mom but then as we got older, we just stayed at home!
    But nope. . . .not a tradition in the Alger household. I'll be snuggled in my nice warm bed!

    I bet you wish you didn't have to do it. UGH!
    Thanks for showing your space again this week. I ADORE that palm tree with the lights! Super fun and cute.

  2. Janet, that Flamingo just keeps hanging around. I love the snow globe though. No Black Friday for me, although I did do it last year for the FIRST time in order to get my Red Crictu Expression at an outstandingly LOW price. Think I'll spend this Friday in Tazmania. Sorry you have to work, but yea on having your family for T'giving.

  3. I love the palm, it looks a lot like Xmas here in PR where we decorate our palms with lots of lights. The snow globe is great also.

    Happy Thanksgiving!!

  4. Awesome palm tree Janetlynne! I need to get a start on my Christmas cards too, never enough time! ~jeni :)

  5. Looks like you have several project in play. It also looks like you are a Quickutzer! I am also, that was my first collection in new product. Your counter top is great, Thanks for sharing, Tootsie

  6. Pink flamingos gotta love them also love that globe

  7. Loving the palm trees with the lights around it! Sorry you had to work on Black Friday. So did I, but at least I didn't have to go in until 8:15. I am not a Black Friday shopper. It is not on my bucket list, but going to the Macy's Parade and standing outside in the cold is on my list.


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