Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sassy Cheryl's Show Me Thursday!!

Well let me tell you....I was up till 2am yesterday making cards!! I made the card you see with the snowman....double pocket card, inserted a packet of cocoa in one of the pockets.....Thought Brendan would love it, and then I thought HOT CHOCOLATE in Punta Cana, DR where the temps are high 80s?!? I had to search through all my printed digital images for something that was Christmas related, and better suited for down below is my completed card. It is being HAND delivered....just wish it was me doing the delivering!! Yes I have almost every digital image printed..I guess I am afraid I am going to lose my digital files, .....(so just in case, I print them)

Next thing on my
agenda...Christmas Open House on Sunday. We have one every year, so I am not too stressed about it. I always make a scrapbook page, and have our guests sign the page ......... almost done.

Now if you look closely you will see approx 7 little c shape clips. They are kinda like bread bag closures. Well my husband had to remove lights off a prelit tree, and restring with new lights. The lights were attached by these little things....I figure there must be something I can use them for/on!! This is how I accumulate so much stuff!! Cheryl, I will never have a studio like yours...I keep everything....even thought I would never be able to find it when I need it!! Have a Great Day...
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  1. Oh wow. You are one busy girl! And an Open House on Sunday. That sounds like fun! I LOVE those!
    Thanks for showing your space. Hope you can find everything you need. )

  2. Brendan will love that card, so fitting! I'm jealous of his 80 degree weather today. Hope you have a fabulous open house. ~jeni :)

  3. I see that the Flamingo is still hanging around. Love the scrapbook page. I'm SURE there's something those little "c" clamps will be good for. Oh and both cards are great.

  4. You can send the Hot Chocolate card to me. Hint Hint. It is going to be cold next week and that would be a welcome warming to my tummy! I am sure Brendan will love his personalized Christmas card. It is gorgeous.

    Have a terrific House Warming this weekend.

  5. Janetlynne, you are just to neat for me. By the way what are you doing with my flamingo, he was in my backyard an hour ago...LOL

  6. Ooh! Look at all of those great images from Sassy Cheryl's!! I can't wait to see what you make with them!
    Jodi =)

  7. Hope you have a great open house this weekend. Thanks for letting me snoop.


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