Sunday, December 25, 2011

Sassy Cheryl's Show me #56

Merry Christmas to all.....   My last post I forgot two special people who sent me sent me birthday gifts.
My scrapbook buddies......  Sarah and Sharon.  Sarah gave me a gift certificate to Sassy Cheryl's digital images and Sharon a gift card to AC Moore. Two of my favorite things from two of my favorite people.

 I needed gifts for work....then remembered that Judy made Hershey bar wrappers.....Well, the night before I needed them.....I was coloring snowmen!! and wrapping candy bars!

Here is a picture of the big box that came to our house. It was from Brendan. He sent gifts all wrapped. Cinnamon of course checked the box for treats. He got his treats today from Santa.

I received this beautiful ornament of Rainbow row. The famous houses in Charleston. He also gave me a gift card to Michaels. Yay-- can't wait to go shopping.  

Merry Christmas to all.....

Update on the Christmas tree....1 string of lights burned out of the prelit tree!! Oh well....worry about it next Christmas


  1. Adorable chocolate bar wrappers, too cute. Cinnamon looks like she had a fun time playing in the packing peanuts. Lol Love the ornament Brendan sent you. I just love Charleston. Hope you had a Merry Christmas. ~jeni :)

  2. Love, love, love the ornament. Beautiful! Cinnamon looked like he had a good time in that box!!! Hope you had a merry Christmas. . .the very first in your new home!
    Thanks for sharing in the last SMThursday of the year!

  3. Love the Rainbow Row ornament. Cinnamon got an awesome present from Brendan for sure! Sorry about the string of lights on your tree. :( **Linda

  4. Your wrappers are wonderful...I still have not been able to get going on the paper art...I will! May your light glow in 2012! *Tootsie*

  5. JanetLynne, talk about a lot of last minute coloring, but what wonderful treats so beautifully presented. Love the Charleston ornament and GC to crafty places are the BESTEST gifts ever.


Newton's Nook Challenge January 2025

It's been 9 years! I didn’t even realize my blog was still up. I thought I’d kick off the new year with a challenge over at Newton's...