Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Show Me # 55

Finally time to post...here is what has been going on with me! I went on a great cruise, actually it was a seminar at sea, so it was a work cruise. It was on the Norwegian Epic.
 Mac got a kidney stone, so he wasn't able to come.

We were all lucky because the trainer had to be in Las Vegas for someone or something more important than us....so only one seminar and one cocktail party!

We went to the ICE BAR...and that was what it was, a bar that was made of ice, ice seating, ice ceiling etc etc  They served Vodka drinks. They furnished heavy coats, and advised everyone to wear warm clothes and closed toe shoes!!  I did not bring closed toe shoes.  We were just in there long enough to have our two drinks. Took pictures and were we out of there. When you talk to others about this....it seemed the guests that were from the north managed better in the ice bar better than the Floridians did!

At home....my craft table came and was waiting for me when I got home. The Monday after I got home was my birthday! I received a beautiful ornament from my son. He got it at the Holiday Festival of Lights that was held on James Island, SC, plus other goodies, and a beautiful card. Beautiful roses from my husband. See the picture in the middle on the bottom. There was the a bouquet of flowers, balloon, and a card sitting on my desk from  all at WMPH Vacations. What a nice thing for a company to do.
The last picture is the table from our Christmas party at WMPH Vacations.
 It was such a nice Christmas party.

Hopefully soon I will have more time to play along

Happy Holidays to all
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  1. Busy, busy, busy!!! The ice bar sounds a bit frigid for me. Lol Can't wait to see your new craft table!!! Hope you had a wonderful Birthday Janetlynne and Merry Christmas to you and Mac. ~jeni :)

  2. Looks like a fun seminar, Janetlynne! Thanks for sharing with us this week.

  3. OK, the cruise sounded pretty good, but glad that the trainer didn't make it so not much business. I want to see the new craft table. You had quite the birthday.

  4. Wow! Looks like you had a fantastic time on your cruise. You lucky thing. Thanks for sharing the photos in the SMThursday fun at Sassy Cheryl's.!


Newton's Nook Challenge January 2025

It's been 9 years! I didn’t even realize my blog was still up. I thought I’d kick off the new year with a challenge over at Newton's...