Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sassy Cheryl's Show Me #67

Wow the week goes by fast... Here is what I am working on, I have two Sassy Cheryl images ready to go, now I just have to decide on the paper....and the card I want to make...I need to complete two!! and which one will I get done first?!

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  1. Beautiful coloring Janetlynne. Can't wait to see them on a card. Get busy!! Lol ~jeni :)

  2. Yep. This week has flown by. But it's a good thing right? Means we are almost to the weekend. Woot-woot!
    Thanks for sharing your wonderful images with us this week. Can't wait to see them when they're finished!


Newton's Nook Challenge January 2025

It's been 9 years! I didn’t even realize my blog was still up. I thought I’d kick off the new year with a challenge over at Newton's...