Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sassy Cheryl's Show Me #68

I guess I have been busy this week!!  Lots to show....  See my cute bunny....Getting the house decorated for Easter.

I planned a lime tree.....well not me, but I watched!!...My husband actually did the planting...... I did have to find rocks for the bottom of the container....had NO luck.  I ended up with shells...

I decided to catch up with some of the magazines that I have received in the mail and just put aside!!   I went to our new pool for the first time. 
Mac & I attended the Palm Beach International boat show....almost all of the boats, sorry yachts were in the water.....(there were some on the road)....  We had a wonderful time...walked downtown West Palm Beach, and had lunch at "Grease" they have the best hamburgers and onion rings.
My work week starts today...Happy week allPosted by Picasa

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Newton's Nook Challenge January 2025

It's been 9 years! I didn’t even realize my blog was still up. I thought I’d kick off the new year with a challenge over at Newton's...