Monday, September 5, 2011

Sassy Cheryl's Challenge # 79 Happy Birthday

Tough week.....but a good week....went to South Carolina.....North Myrtle Beach & Little River....and we did go to Myrtle Beach.... Brendan our so drive up from Isle of Palms. SC to spend two days with us.....It was great to be a tourist...I saw things that I had never seen before!! I did things I never did when I lived there...... Today is Labor day...and maybe the first time that I am not working on Labor day.....Yeah... off to the pool I go! One week from today, I start my new job......
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  1. Janetlynn, this is adorable, love the layout of the card and your colors are very happy. Good luck with your new job. Hope you still have time to play the Sassy Cheryl's Challenge's with us we love having you!!!Thanks for playing this week!

  2. Good for you for being off on Labor Day. Doesn't it feel good. :) I relaxed ALL day so I thoroughly enjoyed it.
    Glad that you played in the Sassy Cheryl's challenge this week with this stunning card! LOVE IT!

  3. Hope you enjoyed your time off. It's nice to relax! Beautiful card.

    Sassy DT

  4. Hi JanetLynn...I love S. Carolina...haven't been there in a few years. So much to see and do. Nice that you've been able to relax a bit this weekend!! Your card is just precious!! I love this little SC image...adding to my "must have" list! Your coloring is really gorgeous...and I love the design you used!! So glad you've joined us this week at Sassy Cheryl's! Hugs. Pat Frank

  5. Darling card! Hope you enjoyed your special day off and that the new job is great!
    Thank you for joining us this week for the Sassy Cheryl's challenge!

  6. Love your center step card Janetlynne! So glad you are relaxing this weekend and got to see Brendan.I never get to do touristy things...maybe if I moved away I would. lol ~jeni :)

  7. Such a sweet card. Good luck in your new job. Thank you for sharing with us at Sassy Cheryls this week and good luck.

  8. THis is always such a fun fold to play with. and one of my fave images.. love your colors and coloring!
    Thanks for playing along with us this week!

  9. Love the colors you used, nice change from the usual. Glad you enjoyed your trip here. You never know what is in your own backyard until you move! Was Brendan just visiting in IOP?


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