Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sassy Cheryl's Show Me #39

What a mess, but it was cleaned up by 5pm. Cinnamon was sitting among my stuff..but didn't seem to make the picture. The top picture is a congratulation on your home card I made for a relative....IKEA tape measure that I got at one of our furniture hunting trips, and Birthday paper..that always comes in handy.
The bottom pictures are the close up of my scrapbooking layouts...some Myrtle Beach memories. I need to finish them before I can start on my Florida pictures..
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  1. Wow, you have been very busy this week Janetlynne! Lots of goodies in these photos.

  2. Phew! I was hoping that you cleaned it up. ;)
    You've been a busy lady! Now. . .the question is. . .is it still clean?
    Thanks for sharing!!!

  3. Love all that you have going on. I blew it up and up again for a close up on the LO's. They're great as are the cards.

  4. See what living room crafting can produce. Lovin it JanetLynne


Newton's Nook Challenge January 2025

It's been 9 years! I didn’t even realize my blog was still up. I thought I’d kick off the new year with a challenge over at Newton's...