Friday, August 12, 2011

Sassy Cheryl's Show Me #37

I have finally used those house images that you have been seeing for weeks!! JoyFold cards....and many of them...I decided to make my change of address cards....Just in case I don't have time once we move!! Signing the contract tomorrow. Let the building begin....Actually most is done...only 60 days needed to complete!!

Just below is my altered composition book.....I needed something that I could keep tract of all the little details of the construction, and moving!! ~ It is exciting ~
Will someone remind me why I thought I needed a Realtor? We found this development on our own...Gave up looking for a pre-owned home. All the developments are gated, so I couldn't find anything on my own. I guess I thought a Realtor here would be like the awesome one we had in SC....

In the book is a red business card.....My first scrapbooking friend! She works at Oakton Preserve, and understood why I needed to take many pictures!! I had to have the "before" pictures, so that I can scrapbook the whole journey!!
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  1. Oh, I LOVE the idea of the change of address labels for the house images. Great idea.
    Sorry that your realtor was terrible, but glad you finally found something!
    YIPPEEE for you.
    Thanks for showing your 'stuff' again this week.

  2. Love the change of address cards and having them all done. Hooray on finding a lot and having the house ready to go in 60 days. I know you're excited about it all. Sure hope you're going to share this journey with us.


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